Here we sit, wrapping up the first day of 2025. It’s been a busy year. We started the year continuing our year-long wander around the country, while continuing to work remotely and taking on a significant project that took most of the year. We finished our walkabout and moved to Vermont. We bought a house! We adopted a second dog, Mabel! On top of the walkabout, I also flew out to Portland for the last XOXO, and just a few weeks ago, Simone and I spent a week in the Bahamas.

I’ll be honest with you: while the year has been filled with a lot of good things, I’m tired. One of the things that fell off was writing here (and gathering notes and journaling in general). I could make lofty goals and resolutions to make 2025 the year of the blog (there’s certainly been a lot of call for it in various circles), but nah. I’m certainly going to try and get back into a groove for sharing interesting bits and thoughts, but I’d prefer to roll with it and see where things go rather than promise some sort of cadence or content here.
So, no new resolutions. At best, there some general direction I’d like to go on a few things. And I’m okay with that. My New Years wish is that you’re okay with that, too: be gentle with yourselves this year. Pursue what makes you happy, but do so with kindness and acceptance, not pressure and stress. Play with and explore what excites you and makes you happy, without the trap of turning it into a job.
Happy New Year.