7 Things I Did to Reboot My Life by Wil Wheaton. It’s a good read, and resonates a lot. Something I should be doing myself, I imagine.
Category: Links
Link: The Couch Cone of Silence
Last autumn, A List Apart had some posts discussing mental health. The Couch Cone of Silence is a good read discussing an important topic (namely, how to be respectful of friends and coworkers who are dealing with some mental/emotional issues).
Link: Why Learning to Code is So Damn Hard
Why Learning to Code is So Damn Hard over at Viking Code School. Nice article discussing the different phases of learning to code, and how to deal with each.
I usually wipe out somewhere in phase 2 or rarely phase 3, which is why I like to say I can read/figure out a fair number of languages, but not write them. Next time I take a stab at learning to program, I’ll try to bear this info in mind.
Link: Balancing Line Length and Font Size
Balancing Line Length And Font Size In Responsive Web Design. Nice article about readability online, for more than just responsive designs.
Link: How Reddit Ranking Algorithms Work
How Reddit Ranking Algorithms Work — nice breakdown of the hows and whys of how Reddit ranks based on likes, dislikes, and activity, for both posts and comments. Pretty cool if you’re interested in social computing and how to surface content.
XOXO 2014
While I’m not making it to the talks, I’m still super excited to be attending XOXO this year. (And yes, this means I’ll be in Portland this weekend if you want to come say hi!)
Link: Everyone I Know is Brokenhearted
Everyone I Know is Brokenhearted by Josh Ellis.
I don’t agree with everything he says, but damn if it doesn’t resonate more than I wish it did.
Open Source User Research Tools
Erin Jo Richey over at Known has a great post, Open Source User Research Tools. They recently chose to open source some of their user research materials, and this post provides a nice intro on how to approach user research.
A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy
Fascinating talk/article by Clay Shirky: A Group is its own worst enemy.
Wil Wheaton on Creativity and Depression
And then you remember that depression lies, so you keep trying to stand up and push it off, and believe in yourself.
And it’s really fucking hard.
— Wil Wheaton, “And I am Nothing of a Builder“